Practical Technology Showcase Summary — 2022-02-11

Linked Open Data Cloud (LOD Cloud) — The largest publicly accessible Knowledge Graph on earth!

OpenLink Virtuoso is the dominant Linked Data deployment platform, chosen by more than 75% of the nodes that constitute the world’s largest publicly accessible Knowledge Graph known as the Linked Open Data Cloud (or “LOD Cloud”). Learn more about the LOD Cloud and why it is important.

A while ago we published a Google Spreadsheet that contains a list of SPARQL endpoints. The goal is to produce an up-to-date, crowd-sourced list of SPARQL query service endpoints that underlie the massive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.

Please feel free to contribute any endpoints not on the list! More…

Use Case examples of query service endpoints:

Explore and exploit the LOD Cloud via OpenLink Virtuoso SPARQL endpoints:

  • DBpedia — an invaluable component of the LOD Cloud, typically reflects changes to Wikipedia within a month or two

  • DBpediaLive — typically reflects changes to Wikipedia within hours or days

  • URIBurner — a crowd-fed RDF repository built by the Virtuoso Sponger’s extraction from and conversion of data in publicly accessible resources on the World Wide Web

  • Wikidata — a mirror of the primary Wikidata dataset, hosted in Virtuoso Enterprise Edition, and available for live query by the general public

Pick of the week — DataTwingler Knowledge Graph nuggets:

About Virtuoso

About OpenLink Knowledge Graph Productivity Tools

About OpenLink Data Access Drivers

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