Weekly Summary 2020-06-05

Summary of the week ending Friday, 2020-06-05

Privacy-By-Design is a principled approach to development and deployment modern apps and services that respect, rather than compromise, the privacy of end-users. Adherence to the aforementioned principle requires loose-coupling of the following items:

  1. Identity – e.g., a WebID where a Hyperlink functions as an unambiguous agent (person, software, machine) identifier
  2. Identification – a Profile Document comprising identity related claims i.e., credentials
  3. Authentication – A credentials verification protocol e.g., TLS, WebID+TLS, WebID+TLS+Delegation, OAuth, OpenID Connect and combination of OAuth or WebID+TLS or WebID+TLS+Delegation
  4. Authorization – Attributed-based Access Controls (ABAC)
  5. Storage – various Data Management Protocols (e.g., HTTP, ODBC, JDBC, LDP, WebDAV)

Leveraging points 1-3 above, with regards to our Virtuoso platform, is achieved via its support for loose-coupling of Identity Service Providers via OpenID Connect.

Here are recent how-to guides about setting up and using Identity Provider Services from Apple and Microsoft via Virtuoso’s Virtualized Authentication Layer (a/k/a VAL):

  1. How To: Add Apple Sign In (Identity Provider) Services to Virtuoso's Authentication Layer (VAL) – Apple

  2. How To: Add Microsoft Identity Provider Services to Virtuoso's Authentication Layer (VAL) – Microsoft


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