Summary of the week ending Friday, 2020-02-28
SPARQL ASK queries are great when asking what would be a yes or no question in real life conversation or in Knowledge Graph, AI and ML projects since they return a boolean value (true or false) as a query solution.
Five Simple Steps to Experience the Power of a Knowledge Graph, using our Virtuoso.
Recent Community Post: Exploiting the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph using SPARQL-FED
Controlling your online identity is a pivotal must for the Web’s present and future
Watch One-click Knowledge Graph creation using Virtuoso.
Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) Social Network Benchmark and the performance of our multi-model Virtuoso.
Q: Can you query a Knowledge Graph using SQL?
A: Yes, you’ve been able to do that since 2007 when DBpedia initialized the LODCloud Knowledge Graph.
Insightful post covering Knowledge Graph history by Daniel Kornev
How To make a connection to SQL Server on Azure using our Cross Platform, High-Performance, and Secure 64-Bit ODBC Drivers.
OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) Browser Extension - find out more from the Chrome Browser Extensions Store!
Download Virtuoso for On-Premise installation and use
OpenLink Virtuoso Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) from the AWS Cloud
Current Entry-Level Virtuoso Offers
Virtuoso ODBC and JDBC Drivers for accessing the Linked Open Data Knowledge Graph from existing ODBC-, JDBC-, ADO.NET, or OLE DB compliant Applications and Services
Download Free Trial Editions of our Secure and High-Performance ODBC & JDBC Data Access Drivers (or Connectors) for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Informix, Ingres, and 3rd Party ODBC or JDBC Data Sources
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