Summary of the week ending Friday, 2020-08-28
How many clicks does it take to generate a highly functional Knowledge Graph using OpenLink VirtuosoRDBMS? Find out about this matter in a recent post from our community forum].
Howto by @dan_hmills from @OpenLink re: Making a connection from macOS to SAP HANA RDBMS via ODBC
Exploit the largest Knowledge Graph on earth (LOD Cloud) via OpenLink Virtuoso
Why a Knowledge Graph is a crucial weapon in our collective fight against the COVID19 pandemic.
Nice, and accurate, description of SQL from DBpedia (courtesy of Wikipedia).
If “The OpenLink MySQL to ODBC Bridge” is the answer, what is the question?
VirtuosoRDBMS supports a PasswordLess “shared secret” – courtesy of PKI and the WebIDTLS protocol.
Nice, and accurate, description of SQL from DBpedia (courtesy of Wikipedia).