Connecting to SAP HANA via ODBC on macOS


  • Installation of the SAP HANA client and a working JDBC connection to your SAP HANA instance. This can be confirmed using various Workbench tools such as SQLWorkbenchJ and DBeaver
  • Knowledge of your SAP HANA instance’s default SQL listener port. The default port is 39013.
  • A Working Installation of OpenLink Software’s Lite Edition ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver with an Evaluation or Commercial License (Instructions).


  1. Add the SAP HANA ngdbc.jar document included in the SAP HANA client package to /Library/Java/Extentsions .

  1. Open iODBC Administrator, and click on add . Select OpenLink JDBC Lite Driver or OpenLink JDBC Lite Driver (Unicode) , then click Finish .

  1. Select a name for your Data Source Name (DSN), add a description if needed, and click Continue.

  1. Enter the JDBC Driver Classname , and JDBC String for your SAP HANA instance.
    The Classname is:

The URL scheme is:

jdbc:sap://<server host>:<port>[/?<options>]

  1. Check the Connect now to verify that all settings are correct checkbox, enter your SAP HANA username/password, and Click on the Test tab.

If a successful connection is made, a confirmation message will appear. Click OK

  1. Click Test Data source. A successful test connection will result in another confirmation message. Click OK , followed by Finish .

Running a Test Query

  1. Open the iODBC Demo ANSI or iODBC Demo Unicode applications that are automatically installed with OpenLink’s Data Access Drivers for macOS for testing ODBC connections; and navigate to Environment → Open Connection

  1. Select your newly created DSN, and click OK

  1. Enter your SAP HANA user credentials and click connect

  1. A successful connection will return to the empty user interface. Navigate to SQL → Execute SQL… and enter your SQL query into the resulting text box. Once completed, click OK

  1. On successful execution, the previously empty UI will be populated with the query results returned from our SAP HANA database.

Following a successful test query, you can now use the ODBC driver with other ODBC-compliant applications on macOS such as: Excel, FilemakerPro, and others.