Here is our weekly roundup of topics discussed last week. Feel free to comment if you have questions
For week ending Friday, 2019-07-05
Play with GeoSPARQL using data transformed from Natural Earth Shape Files collection
Using bookmarking workflow to progressively populate our URIBurner instance
What happens when you pass a well written doc through our URIBurner service?
You have a KnowledgeGraph constructed from a hyperlink mesh, courtesy of LinkedData principles. -
SPARQL-FED query targeting NLF Open Data Query Service Endpoint from OpenLink URIBurner Service
LinkedData and SPARQL in combination deliver unrivaled flexibility to the Web experience.
Fundamentally, every Website becomes a KnowledgeGraph instance with an endpoint offering Entity→Attribute→Value oriented Query Access -
Data is the new electricity!
A hyperlink is its conduction mechanism. -
Great example of DataVisualization that’s loosely-coupled with DataAccess
Datawrapper a cool tool re loose-coupling of DataVisualization and OpenData.
Use case: Xlore, A Large-scale English-Chinese
Bilingual Knowledge Graph using VirtuosoRDBMS