Here is our weekly roundup of topics discussed last week. Feel free to comment if you have questions
For week ending Friday, 2019-07-19
OpenLink Consultancy Services - from the smallest problem to the largest project, we can work with you to produce great quality solutions! Custom Development, Training, Technology Implementation & Deployment Services, Strategic Consultancy, Product Specific Consultancy
You can create a Single Page Application that offers Create and Delete operations targeting SPARQL query services, without being distracted by a specific Library or Framework, via pure HTTP + TLS (a/k/a HTTPS)
How a Virtuoso instance is informed about a WebACL that provides Read-Write privileges on a Data Source Name (DSN) to any identity authenticated using WebID-TLS or OAuth or OpenIDConnect
Virtuoso use case in ScientificResearch: @ISIDORE is a search engine that collects, enriches, and offers unified access to six million publications, digital documents, sources, and scientific references, from French and international research
Q: How do I go from 400,000~500,000 triples insert per 5 minutes, to 6 million triple inserted in 6 mins (including conversion overhead) – using Jena framework
Virtuoso use case: European Data Portal Opendata country of the day: Sweden. Discover datasets from all around the nation
Installation guide for our high-performance Single-Tier Windows 64-bit and 32-bit ODBC Driver for Oracle
What is a Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint, and why is it important?
Virtuoso usecase: slide presentation from webinar: AOPs, pathways, RDF, SPARQL, OpenAPI, grlc, Docker
Solving Product Management Challenges via a Knowledge Graph that manifests as a Semantic Web of Linked Data
Using the “Northwind” Database (deployed as a collection of CSV docs) as the basis for simulating an Enterprise Knowledge Graph construction endeavor