Here is our weekly catch up summarising activities discussed last week. Feel free to reach out to us if you have a topic you would like us to cover in more detail 
For week ending Friday, 2019-08-02
Here’s a depiction of terms from our Shop Ontology that includes a Shop Cart Class
A File System and DBMS are different options for storing Data transmitted via Documents
Important update relating to DBpedia Live Edition
Instantiate your own Virtuoso instance in the AWS Cloud which also includes an ability to use SQL (via existing #ODBC and JDBC apps) to access the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph
How-to guides for our generic ODBC, JDBC, ADO.Net Drivers (Connector) which provide secure and high-performance Data Access to a broad variety of data sources
Taking a look at SQL Server using the power of a Knowledge Graph, deployed using Virtuoso, that manifests as a Semantic Web of Linked Data.
Using our HTML5-based Pivot Viewer to provide insights into the benefits of Virtuoso.
Demonstrating an integration of images and image-processing into an Entity Relationship Model instance that manifests as a “webby” Knowledge Graph.
Answer on Quora to Question: “What are the biggest public knowledge graphs?”
Everyone that publishes a document to the Web has a vested interest in both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Semantic Search Engine Optimization (SSEO). To shed light on this important issue, I’ve provided an answer to a question on Quora titled “What is semantic SEO?” via the following document
Nice collection of Virtuoso SPARQL queries from the European Environment Agency (EEA).
How Linked Data enriches FAQ information publishing, courtesy of a document dynamically generated from a SPARQL query
SPARQL offers a powerful HTTP-based Application Programming Interface (API). It combines Data Source Names and Wire-Protocol functionality – enabling exploitation of HTTP Data Flow power, from existing ODBC & JDBC apps too, courtesy of our Virtuoso
FAQ dynamically integrated into a Google Spreadsheet, courtesy of SPARQL’s ability to support dynamically generated documents associated with a variety of content-types (e.g., CSV).