Here is our weekly catch-up, summarizing activities discussed last week. Feel free to reach out to us, if you have a topic you would like us to cover in more detail!
For week ending Friday, 2019-10-11
Maximize the power that a Knowledge Graph unlocks without disruption to your existing systems - download your FREE trial of OpenLink Virtuoso today
Live demo on how you can construct a Knowledge Graph from TechCrunch RSS feeds.
Once the data is in Virtuoso you can use any combination of Data Vizualization & Data Analytics tools to exploit the Knowledge Graph - its really as easy as 1.2.3!
Using Virtuoso you can maximise on new innovations without ripping & replacing your existing infrastructure!
It is all about pragmatic capabilities such as SPARQL SQL exploitation using existing ODBC , JDBC apps
Live demonstration using Virtuoso URIBurner (aka Sponger depicted in image below) generating Linked Data from a sampling of pages from Marvel . Generated using a url as data source name for powerful data ingestion and transformation services
SPARQL query that visualizes which side of the road cars drive on in the world
Another cool SQL tool for demonstrating how our Virtuoso brings the power of SPARQL and LODCloud Knowledge Graph access to existing JDBC apps and services.
Imagine this: A single mouse-click or URL-pattern progressively grows a Knowledge Graph
Another cool SPARQL demo collection exposing wonderful insights and Entity Resolution from your Knowledge Graph
Slide at… reveals existence of a Music-specific extension to the FRBR vocabulary, so I just click to import into URIBurner (one of many Virtuoso instances that feed the LODCloud).
Demonstrating the beauty of any Knowledge Graph that manifests as a Semantic Web is demonstrated by:
Entities associated with content are Extracted, Identified, and Described – thereby adding richer context for better understanding.
SPARQL enables integration of Structured Query Language constructs into the HTTP protocol – enabling creation of links for dynamically constructed Web Pages.
ImagineThis: Being able to dynamically generate a Web Page answering the following: Which chamber music works were created in the 19th century by Scandinavian composers?
Virtuoso offers SPARQL DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT query solution documents that support JSONLD, RDFJSON, RDFTurtle, and RDF-* content types. It also uses HTML to innovate in this area too.
Cool thing about the LOD Cloud is that you have the world’s largest Knowledge Graph (by far!) at your disposal without incurring the expense of local data curation, cleansing, and integration
Another insightful #KnowledgeGraph post that puts the enterprise value proposition in clear perspective.
You don’t need to write a single line of code en route to progressively creating and enhancing a personal, group, or enterprise Knowledge Graph, courtesy of OpenLink Virtuoso
We have as description of Paris from the DBpedia node within the LODCloud Knowledge Graph circa July 2010 comparing against July 2019
ImagineThis: Generating a Knowledge Graph “on the fly” via a single-click targeting a Google Spreadsheet?
More ways to make use of DBPedia (from @dbpedia)
A Google Spreadsheet is a Structured Data source that supports the use of URL-patterns for content-negotiation i.e., if you need the same content in CSV format simply use {sheet-url}/export?format=csv
Periodically, we compare SERPs between a conventional @Google Search and Custom Google Search Engine which is scoped to various SchemaOrg entity types.
Via a single mouse-click you can trigger a Linked Data extract, transform, and load operation that enriches the LODCloud Knowledge Graph progressively via our URIBurner service. Ditto Text Search and Faceted Browsing too!
Here is a SPARQL query simply tweaking the bookmarking interaction pattern regarding pages of interest.