Re-Introducing YouID — a Verifiable Credentials Generator
We are pleased to re-introduce the iOS (available immediately!) and Browser Extension variants (available soon!) of our YouID Credentials Generator, with a major version bump from 1 to 2 and enormous functionality improvements.
Both app and extension provide a “deceptively simple” solution for creating user-controlled verifiable credentials that scale to both the Internet and Web.
Both solutions use existing open standards to facilitate personal privacy-related best practices, such as —
Digitally Signed Emails — enabling verification of message sender
Digitally Signed & Encrypted Emails — ensuring messages can be read only by designated recipients
Sharing Files (Photos, Music, other Document Types) with family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and other groups, without the need for third-party account creation by each group member
Password-less Authentication
YouID Related
OpenLink YouID version 2.0.1 for iOS. Here is a screencast demo published to YouTube
A screencast demonstrating how to read a digitally signed email with Courtesy of an OpenLink YouID-generated Identity card that includes a Hyperlink, verification extends beyond basic PKI.
Another screencast demonstrating how to send digitally signed email from an iPhone, following the installation of an X509-compliant Identity Card generated with OpenLink YouID.
How-To Guides
Simple 3 Step How-To on SuperLinks feature of OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) Browser Extension for knowledge discovery and recall, courtesy of Entities & their Attributes harnessing the power of Hyperlinks
Easy How-To on Sending Requests to OpenLink Outarde — A Twitter Bot for Knowledge Graph generation from Tweet Threads
About Virtuoso
- Virtuoso product page is live on LinkedIn.
- LOD Connectivity License for ODBC and JDBC apps to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph
- Exploit the powerful Enterprise Knowledge Graph technology provided by our Virtuoso Platform, by taking advantage of our current collection of Special Offers
- Download Virtuoso for On-Premise installation and use
- OpenLink Virtuoso Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) from the AWS Cloud
OpenLink Virtuoso Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) from the Microsoft Azure Cloud
- Virtuoso 8.3.3319 (PAGO Edition) for the Microsoft Azure Cloud
- Virtuoso 8.3.3319 (BYOL Edition) for the Microsoft Azure Cloud
Detailed usage guides for Azure
- Azure OpenLink Virtuoso Ubuntu PAGO VM — with FREE 30 Day Evaluation
- Azure OpenLink Virtuoso Ubuntu BYOL VM
About OpenLink Knowledge Graph Productivity Tools
- Free OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) Browser Extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Vivaldi (with a build planned for Apple Safari)