Inquire about creating a graph data model

I was able to load the file using Quad store upload
What I should do next?
How to export it to neo4j

Have you attempted to query the data that you loaded using SPARQL? If so, did you read and digested the document about Neo4j, JDBC, and Virtuoso I shared earlier?

I was able to query using SPARQL.
I cannot understand how to export to the Neo4j.
Can you please mention those steps to export from virtuoso to Neo4j?

Again, have you read the post published by @danielhm that walks you through the process?

Fundamental steps are:

  1. Establish that you can query RDF data in Virtuoso using SPARQL
  2. Establish that you can query RDF data in Virtuoso using SQL via SPASQL (i.e., SPARQL inside SQL)
  3. Install the Virtuoso JDBC Driver
  4. Verify you can query Virtuoso via JDBC using SPASQL
  5. Install the OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver
  6. Verify you can query Virtuoso via an ODBC-JDBC based Data Source Name (DSN)

Successful completion of the steps above set you up to replicate what’s covered in the Neo4j, JDBC, and Virtuoso blog post by @danielhm


can I have properties when creating the turtle file?
Can I join depedia when creating the turtle file for the graph database

I don’t understand what you mean.

Have you completed the steps outlined in my previous post re Neo4j, OpenLink JDBC-ODBC Bridge, JDBC connectivity to Virtuoso, and SPARQL execution from within SQL?

You can always build SPARQL or SPASQL (SPARQL inside SQL) queries that access DBpedia or any other endpoint.

I need to add properties for my nodes. I create the TTL file using the above tool(Arrow Tool) and upload it to openlink structured data editor.
And after that only I upload it to virtuoso and query it.
Sir in openlink structured data editor does the subject represent node and predicate represent another node and finally object represent another node in a graph.
Cant I add properties like Age, height to the subject.

I need to add properties for my nodes. I create the TTL file using the above tool(Arrow Tool) and upload it to openlink structured data editor.
And after that only I upload it to virtuoso and query it.
Sir in openlink structured data editor does the subject represent node and predicate represent another node and finally object represent another node in a graph.
Cant I add properties like Age, height to the subject.
I just need some clarifications

Here’s structured data, representable as graph, using RDF-Turtle in response to the examples of the attributes that you mentioned.

I’ve deliberately used strings as I am trying to provide the simplest response possible to your question.

## RDF-Turtle Start ##
@prefix : <#> . 

:this a :Person . 
:this :age "Twenty"^^xsd:string . 
:this :height "6 Feet"^^xsd:string . 

## RDF-Turtle End ##

Can’t I use openlink Software RDF editor for that purpose? I cannot understand where to add nodes, where to add properties(Age), and where to add relationships in that tool.

Do you not understand my last response? If so, then can you please state what you find confusing about it i.e., RDF-Turtle that you can save to a document (i.e., .ttl) and load to Virtuoso as per your previous activities.

As for our RDF Editor, yes of course you can use it to achieve the same goal. Just as you can with a plain text editor.

Thanks a lot, guys for helping with my works :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: