Writing to Virtuoso Server with .NET 8.0

Hello everyone!

I am using a Virtuoso Server on a Linux server as a database backend for one of my applications, written in .NET C#. To handle the rdf data and access to the Virtuoso server, I am using the dotNetRDF Library [1].
In their current version, they dropped the support for Virtuoso server, so my update function, that deletes/writes triples from/to the Virtuoso server doesn’t work anymore (for reading data, I already used the SPARQL endpoint). Unfortunately, I got no answer from them how to update my function, so my updates/deletes/writes work again. [2]

Do you have any suggestions, how to write data to the Virtuoso server without this library from a .NET 8.0 application? My old method looks like this (the VirtuosoManager is the class I need to replace):

public void UpdateGraph(string graphName, IEnumerable triplesToAdd, IEnumerable triplesToRemove)
VirtuosoManager virtuosoManager = new VirtuosoManager(Configuration.VirtuosoServerName, Configuration.VirtuosoServerPort, VirtuosoManager.DefaultDB, User, Password);
virtuosoManager.UpdateGraph(graphName, triplesToAdd, triplesToRemove);

// NECESSARY!! Otherwise, the changes won’t be committed!

It would be nice if I’d be able to keep the method signature.

All the best,

[1] 3.0 Change Notes | DotNetRDF Documentation
[2] Replace the `UpdateGraph` method from the deprecated Virtuoso package for dotNetRDF - Stack Overflow

We don’t maintain a Virtuoso native .Net ADO.Net data provider anymore, our last builds being for .Net 4.x, and is probably why the dotNetRDF library dropped native support.

Instead it is now recommend the use of the Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC in conjunction with the Virtuoso ODBC Driver for connectivity from .Net applications to a Virtuoso database server.