Hello everyone!
I am using a Virtuoso Server on a Linux server as a database backend for one of my applications, written in .NET C#. To handle the rdf data and access to the Virtuoso server, I am using the dotNetRDF Library [1].
In their current version, they dropped the support for Virtuoso server, so my update function, that deletes/writes triples from/to the Virtuoso server doesn’t work anymore (for reading data, I already used the SPARQL endpoint). Unfortunately, I got no answer from them how to update my function, so my updates/deletes/writes work again. [2]
Do you have any suggestions, how to write data to the Virtuoso server without this library from a .NET 8.0 application? My old method looks like this (the VirtuosoManager is the class I need to replace):
public void UpdateGraph(string graphName, IEnumerable triplesToAdd, IEnumerable triplesToRemove)
VirtuosoManager virtuosoManager = new VirtuosoManager(Configuration.VirtuosoServerName, Configuration.VirtuosoServerPort, VirtuosoManager.DefaultDB, User, Password);
virtuosoManager.UpdateGraph(graphName, triplesToAdd, triplesToRemove);
// NECESSARY!! Otherwise, the changes won’t be committed!
It would be nice if I’d be able to keep the method signature.
All the best,
[1] 3.0 Change Notes | DotNetRDF Documentation
[2] Replace the `UpdateGraph` method from the deprecated Virtuoso package for dotNetRDF - Stack Overflow