Virtuoso SPARQL return no search result

I am new to Virtuoso (7.2.5) and I have loaded successfully huge number of triples. I queried the triple store and display some text field without an issue. However, when I tried to query the same text field having a specific term it returns null result. I loaded the same triples in the Apache Jena Fuseki and it does work. This is the query I have applied:

SELECT DISTINCT ?content ?field {
?content text:query (dcterms:field “city” ) ;
dcterms:field?field ;
} LIMIT 10

Does this query specific for Apache Jena Fuseki ?
Do I need to index the Virtuoso loaded triples?

Is that the actual query you are running against Virtuoso ? As (adding dummy PREFIX’s for text and dcterms) I get a SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 8: syntax error at '}' before 'LIMIT' error running it and have to remove the last ; in the triple pattern matches to get it to run ie

PREFIX text: <text>
PREFIX dcterms: <dcterms>
SELECT DISTINCT ?content ?field {
?content text:query (dcterms:field "city" ) ;
} LIMIT 10

No it is not the actual query. All PREFIXS are defined.
As I mentioned only when I try to limit the search to a specific term it doesn’t work in Virtuoso but works in Apache Jena Fuseki. When I remove the text:query (dcterms:field "city" )

SELECT DISTINCT ?content ?field {
} LIMIT 10

and run the query I got the result with no issue but the problem remain when I want to make the specific term search
Any suggestions?

Are you able to provide a simple test case for recreating the problem ?