Unexpected LDP response to PUT

Hi All!

I am running the Virtuoso OS v7 docker image (the “latest” in the docker hub).

I have an LDP Container .../fair/, with some ldp:contains contents. I have used PUT to add additional metadata to that Container (PUTting triples directly to the Container URI .../fair/). This works nicely! However, I seem to be unable to eliminate that metadata by using PUT to replace the RDF of the folder with an RDF document that lacks the triples I want to eliminate.


REQUEST:  HTTP GET -H "Accept: text/turtle" .../fair/
   ldp:contains  X,Y,Z;
   dc:author "Me";
   dc:title "My Container"

REQUEST:  HTTP PUT -H "Content-type: text/turtle"
   ldp:contains  X,Y,Z;
   dc:title "My Container"
RESPONSE:  HTTP/1.1 201 Created; Location: ..../fair/

REQUEST:  HTTP GET -H "Accept: text/turtle" .../fair/
   ldp:contains  X,Y,Z;
   dc:author "Me";    <----  this triple is still there!?!
   dc:title "My Container"

Is this the expected behavior? My understanding was that a PUT would replace the content of the URI…

Advice welcome!


I’m going to withdraw this report, for the moment. It only happens with some of my Containers, not all of them. I will try to find a set of steps that are 100% sure to reproduce this behavior for you. It definitely happens! But not consistently with all of my Containers.

@markwilkinson: Please confirm the actual version and git id of the docker container being used, i.e., output from virtuoso-t -?. As there were some LDP fixes end of 2018 that may be relevant to this issue …