Hailuo AI has an impressive text-to-speech LLM (MiniMax) that’s currently available for live testing. In just seconds, I created a simple demo by copying and pasting an OpenLink AI Layer (OPAL) demo outline into their Chat UI—and boom!
OPAL Demo Outline Text
Exploring Basic AI Agent Creation and Deployment Functionality with the OpenLink AI Layer (OPAL)
Who are you and what’s your version?
- Query to identify the OPAL Agent and its version.
Who am I?
- Query to retrieve the user’s information.
Perform tasks directly:
- SQL Queries
- SPARQL Queries
- SPARQL-FED Queries (includes “share session” and “static” or “animated”)
- Perform tasks indirectly:
- Generate random articles.
- Fetch LinkedIn articles.
- Share session articles.
- Work with data spaces (both static and animated).
- Generate BG2 articles.
Query data:
- Perform queries related to:
- Other agents.
- Data-related articles.
- Perform queries related to:
Explore creation of agents:
- Leverage Markdown for documentation or creation.
Interact with other agents offering:
- Virtuoso Product Support
- ODBC and JDBC Drivers Support