Hello, if anyone is able to help please, I am seeking enlightenment on how to use to +restore-backup with.bp backup file and a custom Docker virtuoso image/container on Windows
uploading a backup file called backup.bp to the database folder in the docker container at /opt/virtuoso-opensource/database
and then in Docker Exec with container running:
virtuoso-t +foreground +restore-backup backup
virtuoso-t +restore-backup backup
I’ve also tried adding these to entrypoint in docker-compose.yml without success.
Any insight or pointers to relevant docs greatly appreciated.
What do you mean by and then in Docker Exec with container running ... ?
What output is reported when running the virtuoso-t +foreground +restore-backup backup or virtuoso-t +restore-backup backup commands ?
How have you created this custom Docker virtuoso image/container ?
Please provide the actual text output of the commands being so we can see what you are doing.
A default Virtuoso docker container will automatically shutdown when the Virtuoso server is gracefully shutdown or automatically restart if the database shuts down and so cannot be restored from a backup, which requires the database be shutdown and the a terminal session to the container to run the restore backup command.