Problem restoring from Online Backup

I try to restore them on an empty instance by using

$ sudo /opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/bin/virtuoso-t +restore-backup virt-inc_dump_#

but I am getting an error

There is no configuration file virtuoso.ini.

The file virtuoso.ini does exists on the bin folder, and i can start it by just typing


if i am inside the bin folder, but not using

sudo /opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/bin/virtuoso-t -f
which gives me the same error.

I have read on the documentation that i need to be in the same folder where the bp files are stored, so when i cd to the virtuoso folder I am getting the following error

sudo ./virtuoso-t +foreground +restore-backup /home/rdfFilesPath/virt-inc_dump_# -f

Could not restore database using prefix /home/rdfFilesPath/virt-inc_dump_#

any help? thanks

You need to specify the Virtuoso configuration ( ie INI) file with the -c or +configfile option when restoring the backup such that the database file(s) (without or with striping etc) the backup should be restore to ie

$ virtuoso-t +restore-backup bck +configfile virtuoso.ini

		Wed Oct 21 2020
11:45:41 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
11:45:41 Version 07.20.3230-pthreads for Darwin as of Oct 10 2020
11:45:41 uses OpenSSL 1.0.2s  28 May 2019
11:45:41 uses parts of PCRE, Html Tidy
11:45:41 Begin to restore with file prefix bck
11:45:41 --> Backup file # 1 [0x316B-0x57-0xA9]
11:45:42 --> Backup file # 2 [0x316B-0x57-0xA9]
11:45:42 End of restoring from backup, 3342 pages
11:45:42 Server exiting

as detailed in the backup and restore documentation.

Thanks @hwilliams
The link you supplied is the one I was reading in the first place. I have not paid attention to the code with the config file, since it is way after the code of the restore plus it is using a different command (virtuoso-iodbc-t).
anyway, I have included the config file to the executable
sudo /opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/bin/virtuoso-t +foreground +restore-backup virt-inc_dump +configfile /opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/bin/virtuoso.ini
but i am getting this error

14:51:00 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `/opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/lib/virtuoso/hosting'
14:51:00   FAILED  plugin 1: Unable to locate file }
14:51:00 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `/opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/lib/virtuoso/hosting'
14:51:00   FAILED  plugin 2: Unable to locate file }
14:51:00 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `/opt/virtuoso-7.1.0/lib/virtuoso/hosting'
14:51:00   FAILED  plugin 3: Unable to locate file }
14:51:00 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
14:51:00 Version 07.10.3207-pthreads for Linux as of Oct 20 2020
14:51:00 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
14:51:00 Could not restore database using prefix virt-inc_dump
14:51:00 Server exiting

does that mean that there is some problem with my data?

OK, I think that my problem was that i didnt delete everything from my new installation db/ folder.
after that it worked great.
what i am not sure about is what does the 150 does on the command
backup_online ('some_File_prefix_#', 150);
if i change it to 1 or 1000 what would it change?
I tried it with 10000 and it actually created a lot less files (i am guessing of the same total size), around 160 compared to the 10,000 or so that was created using the 150. but still i am not sure what the number means.

Also an other side question, is it possible to create the offline backup with out loging into isql? I would like to find a way to run a script that would create the files automaticaly, I am not sure yet which old files i need to delete, since i see some older files on the same folder which i have no idea how they got there.

Anyway, thanks for the helpful information about -c config/path since this is what i was missing all along

See the documentation for the backup_online function for details of its usage, the second param is the number of 8K buffer pages that will be added to each backup file hence the more the larger the size of the backup files.

As detailed in the isql command line tool documentation, the isql 1111 <uid> <pwd> VERBOSE=OFF 'EXEC=<command>' ... can be used to execute the backup commands for setting this up via a script.

Alternatively you can simply got to the System Admin -> Backup tab of the Virtuoso Conductor and setup the backup in Virtuoso and also setup the incremental backups in the Virtuoso scheduler such that the database is incrementally backed up at the duration specified.

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@hwilliams Thanks a lot for all the information