OpenLink Virtuoso Java artifacts on Maven Central

OpenLink Virtuoso Java artifacts on Maven Central

Copyright © 2023 OpenLink Software


Most Java-based applications use a config file for Apache Maven, Gradle, or a similar tool to download all the third-party Java framework and library dependencies needed to build and deploy. Download of these dependencies can be initiated through a command line (CLI) application, or from an IDE such as Eclipse or Intellij Idea.

Although several repositories for these artifacts have closed over the past couple of years, the most common one is Maven Central which currently hosts around 482,678 unique artifacts.

OpenLink Software has now added all of its current Virtuoso JDBC drivers and providers to Maven Central under the group id com.openlinksw.

Why is this important?

Being able to download all dependencies for your project from a trusted source archive results in a consistent build. With the uptake of Continuous Integration services such as Jenkins and Travis CI, it is important that all builds are made with the exact same versions of tools and dependencies without having to manually copy .jar files across different platforms whenever an updated version is released.

Which artifacts are currently published on Maven Central?

The following Virtuoso artifacts are currently available:

Group ID Artifact ID Latest Version Description
com.openlinksw virt_jena_v4_4 1.41 Virtuoso Jena provider for Jena v4.4.x
com.openlinksw virt_jena_v4_3 1.35 Virtuoso Jena provider for Jena v4.3.x
com.openlinksw virt_jena_v3_10 1.41 Virtuoso Jena provider for Jena v3.10.x
com.openlinksw virt_jena_v3_0 1.31 Virtuoso Jena provider for Jena 3.0.x
com.openlinksw virt_rdf4j_v4_0 1.16 Virtuoso RDF4J provider for RDF4J v4.0.x
com.openlinksw virt_rdf4j_v3_7 1.15 Virtuoso RDF4J provider for RDF4J v3.7.x
com.openlinksw virt_rdf4j_v2_1 1.8 Virtuoso RDF4J provider for RDF4J v2.1.x
com.openlinksw virtjdbc4_3 3.123 Virtuoso JDBC 4.3 driver
com.openlinksw virtjdbc4_2 3.123 Virtuoso JDBC 4.2 driver
com.openlinksw virtjdbc4_1 3.123 Virtuoso JDBC 4.1 driver
com.openlinksw virtjdbc4 3.123 Virtuoso JDBC 4 driver

Note that the Latest Version shows the version of the artifact at the time of writing. Clicking on the version number link will take you to a page that shows the absolute latest versions of that artifact.

How do I create a dependency in my Apache Maven project?

We take the latest Virtuoso RDF4J provider as an example.

As we can see from the above table, the group_id is, the artifact_id is virtj_rdf4j_v4_0, and the latest version is 1.16.

Accordingly, you add the following lines to the dependencies section of your pom.xml file:


How do I create a dependency in my Gradle project?

We take the latest Virtuoso JDBC 4.3 driver as an example.

Gradle uses a string notation separating the 3 parts with colons:

implementation ‘group_id:artifact_id:version

As we can see from the above table, the group_id is, the artifact_id is virtjdbc4_3, and the latest version is 3.119.0.

Accordingly, you add the following line to the dependencies section of your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
      implementation 'com.openlinksw:virtjdbc4_3:3.119.0'
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