Ontology Development Environment Apps to manage real-time RDF data stored in Virtuoso?

Hi there! Virtuoso newbie here.

Just set up my first Virtuoso instance using docker :partying_face:

What are your most preferred ontology development environment tools for RDF data management?

I come from Protègè, and that has been useful for local graphs in ttl and other formats. I now look for some similar interface or application to Protègè but for data stored in a Virtuoso instance, and a seamless or real-time experience.

Can Protègè manage data in real time from Virtuoso’s using its intuitive UI? How about an alternative tool?

Thanks in advance!

If Protègè can query a standard SPARQL endpoint then it should be able to use Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint.

There is also an OpenLink Structured Data Editor for creating and editing structured data using RDF Language statements/triples, through many web browsers, that could be used for Ontology development.