ODS Briefcase controller not accepting /path (code ODS409)

Has anyone here successfully evoked the ODS controller to retrieve folder list? I get “invalid path” message (code ODS409):

curl -X GET \
  'http://data.vios.network/ods/api/briefcase.resource.get?path=/DAV/home/testuser/&sid=REPLACE_WITH_SID&realm=REPLACE_WITH_REALM' \

The request seems to be formatted correctly, based on the example here, but the example throws client key error.

ODS Briefcase used WebDAV to store items. There are 2 types of items: collections and resources. The paths ended with ‘/’ are collections. The other are resources. You try to used a collection path with a resource API.
Please check again the ODS Briefcase API function - https://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/odsdox/group__ods__module__briefcase.html

Hi Dimitar,

Thank you, that worked!!