Multiple MINUS in SPARQL

Hi everyone.

I am trying to run the following query on the public endpoint of DBPedia:

select distinct ?o ?olabel where { 
  		{ select distinct ?s where { 
      	?s   <>/<>{,6}  <> 
      	.  ?s <> ?oo  } limit 100000 } 
  .  ?s <> ?o 
  MINUS { ?o   <>/<>{,6}  <>} 
#  MINUS { ?o   <>/<>{,6}  <>}  
  . ?o <> ?olabel . FILTER (lang(?olabel)=''||lang(?olabel)='en')  
} LIMIT 100

It works ok.
But then I uncomment the commented line.
And then the query fails.

From what I understand, multiple MINUS clauses are authorized in SPARQL.

Can anyone give me pieces of advice to rewrite my query so the multiple MINUS clauses are taken into account?

This issue is being looked into by development.

In the meantime, you could consider.

select distinct ?o ?olabel where { 
  		{ select distinct ?s where { 
      	?s   <>/<>{1,6}  <> 
      	.  ?s <> ?oo  } limit 1000} 
  .  ?s <> ?o 
  MINUS { ?o   <>/<>{1,6}  <>} 
  MINUS { ?o   <>/<>{1,6}  <>}  
  . ?o <> ?olabel . FILTER (lang(?olabel)=''||lang(?olabel)='en')  
} LIMIT 100
## Note changes to the property path query re {1,6} and the limit of 1000