Hi all!
We are looking for a large graph visualization tool that can consume data from a SPARQL endpoint like Virtuoso.
Our graph is currently 600k nodes an over 6M relations.
How could we visualize and manage this Large Knowledge Graph? Does Virtuoso have a tool for this?
What type of Visualisation tools are you seeking ie graphical, textual etc ?
The Virtuoso faceted browser provides a user-friendly interface for exploring and interacting with RDF data hosted in its RDF Quad Store.
Hi @hwilliams!
We are looking for a concept map type visualization.
Nodes and edges.
Does the faceted browser support something like this?
The Faceted Browser does not support such visualisations.
There are many other third party tools that can provide such concept map type visualization of Nodes and Edges of RDF data in Virtuoso by querying its default SPARQL endpoint, like: