Isql tool installation

We installed virtuoso in docker container … but we would like to run isql from client outside the server.
How to install and configure access to run ? should I installed a whole virtuoso to have access to isql?

Thanks in advance
Thierry PARET

Assuming you adopted to the standard approach in the Virtuoso Docker instructions for publishing the Virtuoso SQL and HTTP port numbers on the Host OS the Virtuoso docker container is running on ie

    --publish 1111:1111 \
    --publish  8890:8890 \

You can simply download and install the Virtuoso Client Connectivity installers we have available for Windows, Linux & macOS, which include the isql tool as well as the ODBC, JDBC, ADO.Net, Jena, RDF4J connectors which can then access the Virtuoso docker instance on SQL port 1111 or you can install the client connectivity tool on a remote machine that has network access to the docker Host OS can connect to hostname:1111 , where hostname is the network name or IP address of the docker Host OS. The isql tool can also be build from the Virtuoso Open Source git repo directly.

OK Thanks… I will try that…