Is there a way to disable strict checking of (void) variables by client side in machine access?

Hello. I understand it is possible to disable the following options in the web form query page:

  1. strict checking of void variables
  2. strict checking of variable names used in multiple clauses but not logically connected to each other?

An example is OpenLink Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor
But I am having problem with the strict options, when querying in the endpoint (machine access/API) as a client, because I would like to make queries a bit flexible. Is it possible from the client side, or it is only possible to configure by the server side (admin of the endpoint)?

Thank you for your help in advance!

You just don’t pass the &signal_void=on&signal_unconnected=on params in the query URL passed by the application accessing the SPARQL endpoint, which is what are turned on by default in the SPARQL Query Form page …