Cannot export large CONSTRUCT query with literals with isql-v


I’m trying to create the export tool for construct queries (for a large amount of data, up to 100M triples).

isql-v exec="set blobs on; sparql define output-format \"TURTLE\" CONSTRUCT { ?a ?b ?c. } WHERE { ?a ?b ?c. FILTER(isLiteral(?c)) }" > $TTL_PATH;

Returns Error 22023: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR…: The result vector is too large.

Without output format “TURTLE” it works fine, but I have no quotes, language, datatype, angle brackets for URIs.

In general, I need TURTLE format, or some another format, or some another way, which works with a cursor

Can you enable the Virtuoso trace_on function to write additional tracing of database activities to the virtuoso.log file and provide this output for the cases with and without the TURTLE output format in place? The trace_off() function can then be used to dynamically turn of tracing.

"TURTLE" is not actually a supported value for the output-format pragma or URI parameter.

You might try text/turtle, text/ntriples, or any of the others from the documentation.

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