Bif:contains doesn't work properly

Hello, I have the query

PREFIX crm2: <>

            WHERE {
?resourceUri <> <>. 
?resourceUri crm2:label_search ?label.
               FILTER(?resourceUri = crm2:res_161078)

It gives the results:

"WIKILECTMEGAPR2 women's"@en
"WIKILECTMEGAPR2 women's"@all
"WIKILECTMEGAPR2 женский"@ru

But when I add to the query one line with bif:contains:

PREFIX crm2: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?resourceUri ?label FROM  <>
            WHERE {
?resourceUri <> <>. 
?resourceUri crm2:label_search ?label.
?label bif:contains "'wome*'"
               FILTER(?resourceUri = crm2:res_161078)

It gives the empty result :frowning: .
I’ve done isql-v exec="DB.DBA.RDF_OBJ_FT_RECOVER();" twice, it doesn’t help

Maybe explain of the query with bif:contains will help you to resolve the problem:


RDF_QUAD_POGS unq       0.8 rows ()
 P =  ##type  ,  O =  #/Sex  ,  S =  #/res_161078  ,  G =  #/ 
CONTAINS (<c [ __enc "UTF-8" ] 'женски*'>) node on DB.DBA.RDF_OBJ_RO_FLAGS_WORDS        76 rows
RDF_QUAD        76 rows()
 inlined  P =  #/label_search  ,  S =  #/res_161078  ,  O = cast ,  G =  #/ 
Distinct (t4.O)
After code:
      0: resourceUri :=  := artm <tag 182 flag 1 c>
      4: label :=  := artm t4.O
      8: BReturn 0
Subquery Select(resourceUri, label)
After code:
      0: label := Call __ro2sq (label)
      5: BReturn 0
Select (resourceUri, label)

20 Rows. -- 2 msec.

What’s wrong?
Thank you)

Tried your post:

Didn’t help

Do any bif:contains Full text index queries work ?

Yes, ~50% of the literals bif:contains can find, but another part (problem part) cannot.

If I add new triple with the literal "fjqelepgqjgpo eqjogpqe"@ru,
bif:contains can find it.

If I add new triple with the literal "WIKILECTMEGAPR2 women's"@all (it’s already in bad part of literals)
It won’t find it.

Here is the temporary link for our SPARQL endpoint: