Updating and Installing Virtuoso Releases across Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, and CentOS, via the OpenLink Nexus Repo

Enabling Virtuoso automated updates from OpenLink RPM and Debian Repositories

The OpenLink Nexus Repository provides an online repository for obtaining automated updates of OpenLink products, of which Virtuoso is one. In this document, we detail how Virtuoso installations on the following Linux distributions can be hooked into this repository to obtain automatic updates:

AWS RedHat Enterprise Linux 7

OpenLink provides Amazon BYOL & PAGO Virtuoso EC2 AMI MarketPlace Offers.

The latest Amazon BYOL & PAGO Virtuoso EC2 AMI MarketPlace Offers, since version 08.03.3323 and above are already hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository, and thus can simply be updated with the command:

yum update

Which will automatically download and install the latest operating system and Virtuoso updates.

For those still running older AWS Virtuoso AMIs prior to version 08.03.3323, these AMIs can be hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository to obtain automatic updates by performing the following command sequence:

  1. Shut down Virtuoso instance
    . ./virtuoso-environment.sh
  2. Remove the current OpenLink License Manager (oplmgr) package
    sudo yum erase oplmgr
  3. Install the EPEL metadata:
    sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  4. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:
    sudo yum install -y https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.rpm
  5. Install the Virtuoso 8.3 packages for AWS EC2 with the command
    sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-ec2

The Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

Example output:

-bash-4.2$ sudo service virtuoso start
Starting virtuoso (via systemctl):                         [  OK  ]

-bash-4.2$ sudo service virtuoso status
● virtuoso.service - OpenLink Virtuoso Database
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/virtuoso.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-07-23 10:54:42 EDT; 8s ago
  Process: 3170 ExecStop=/opt/virtuoso/bin/virtuoso-stop.sh $VIRTUOSO_DB_NAMES (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 3297 ExecStart=/opt/virtuoso/bin/virtuoso-start.sh $VIRTUOSO_DB_NAMES (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 3310 (virtuoso)
   CGroup: /system.slice/virtuoso.service
           └─3310 ./virtuoso

Jul 23 10:54:40 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Starting OpenLink Vir...
Jul 23 10:54:40 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal virtuoso-start.sh[3297]: Checking...
Jul 23 10:54:40 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal virtuoso-start.sh[3297]: Using Li...
Jul 23 10:54:41 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal virtuoso-start.sh[3297]: Starting...
Jul 23 10:54:41 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal virtuoso-start.sh[3297]: - Starti...
Jul 23 10:54:42 ip-172-30-4-57.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Started OpenLink Virt...
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

-bash-4.2$ sudo service virtuoso stop
Stopping virtuoso (via systemctl):                         [  OK  ]

AWS & Azure Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

The Virtuoso Ubuntu 18.04 LTS AWS PAGO, AWS BYOL, Azure PAGO and Azure BYOL offers are built from the OpenLink Nexus Repository and are thus automatically bound to the repository and can be updated to the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:

sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt upgrade

CentOS 7 and 8

The following sequence can be use to install the Virtuoso 8.3 RPM packages on CentOS 7 and 8 systems, whether in the Cloud or on on-premise standalone systems.

  1. Install the EPEL metadata:

    sudo yum install -y epel-release
  2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:

    sudo yum install -y https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.rpm
  3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:

    sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full

The Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

The latest Virtuoso packages can be obtained from the OpenLink Nexus Repository with the command:

sudo yum update

RedHat Enterprise Linux 7

The following sequence can be use to install the Virtuoso 8.3 RPM packages on RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 systems, whether in the Cloud or on on-premise standalone systems.

  1. Install the EPEL metadata:

    sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:

    sudo yum install -y https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.rpm
  3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:

    sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full

The Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

The latest Virtuoso packages can be obtained from the OpenLink Nexus Repository with the command:

sudo yum update

RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.x / 9.x

The following command sequence can be use to install the Virtuoso 8.3 RPM packages on RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.x / 9.x systems, whether in the Cloud or on on-premise standalone systems.

  1. Install the EPEL metadata:

    sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-X.noarch.rpm   ;;; where X = 8 or 9
  2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:

    sudo dnf install -y https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.rpm
  3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:

    sudo dnf install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full

The Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

The latest Virtuoso packages can be obtained from the OpenLink Nexus Repository with the command:

sudo dnf update

Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 LTS and Debian 10 / 11

The following command sequence can be use to install the Virtuoso 8.3 RPM packages on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 LTS and Debian 10 / 11 systems, whether in the Cloud or on-premise standalone systems.

  1. Run the following commands to install Virtuoso from the OpenLink Nexus Repository:

    apt update
    wget https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.deb
    apt install ./openlink-repo.deb
    apt update
    apt install virtuoso-8-commercial-full
  2. If no errors are reported during the installation, run the following command to enable the Virtuoso instance to auto-start on reboot:

    sudo systemctl enable virtuoso

The Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

The latest Virtuoso packages can be obtained from the OpenLink Nexus Repository with the command:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Apply Virtuoso License

Once the Virtuoso packages for the target Linux distribution have been installed from the repository, if a valid Virtuoso license (virtuoso.lic) is not already in place, one needs to be added to the directory /etc/oplmgr, and the OpenLink License Manager (oplmgr) then stopped and started with the commands:

sudo service oplmgr { start | status | stop }

If the Virtuoso server is running, it also needs to stopped and started for the license file to be picked up, with the commands:

sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }

Finally, check the /opt/database/virtuoso.log file to ensure the license file is valid and has been accepted for use.
