INSERT .. WHERE + GRAPH leads to server error

Using my latest Virtuoso Version 07.20.3237-pthreads for Linux as of Sep 26 2023 (ec28543a2) binary, if I insert at triple to match your search condition ie

INSERT INTO GRAPH <> { <1> rdfs:label <3> }

Then run your query via a Virtuoso ~/sparql-auth endpoint as the dba user ie

    GRAPH ?g { ?s <> "abc" . }
WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s rdfs:label [] . } }

The query runs successfully without any error and inserts the ?s <> "abc" triple pattern in the graph ie

Thus, what are the version, gitid, build date etc of your Virtuoso build which can be obtained as detailed at ? And was is the simplest test case you can provide for recreating the problem ?