HowTo -- CHAT-GPT and DBpedia SPARQL Query Generation from Natural Language Prompts

Generating clickable DBpedia SPARQL Query Solution Page Link using Bing+ChatGPT Service

Here’s a transcript for a variant of this exercise using the Bing + GPT service.

Q: Given the following template.

What is the county of <A>;select ?a where { <A> <> ?a };select ?a where { ?a <> [] . ?a a <> } Find the country of London using SPARQL.


PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>

SELECT ?country WHERE {
dbr:London dbo:country ?country.

Q: Can you generate a clickable sparql url for that query? Just say yes or no.


Here is the clickable link for the SPARQL query:

Bing Answer Link .

Q: That isn’t a clickable link since I need to copy and paste it to a browser for resolution.


I apologize for the confusion. Here is the clickable link for the SPARQL query:

Bing Anwser Link

Q: Yes, that’s much better. Use “SPARQL Query Response” as the label applied to the clikcable link.


Here is the clickable link for the SPARQL query:

SPARQL Query Response

Bing Answer Link