Help needed with ODBC Oracle 12C, iODBC to Excel connectivity on MAC

I don’t understand as you indicated having already copied the ora12_lt.lic file to the /Library/Application\ Support/OpenLink/Licenses/ folder previously.

You do not configure a TNS names files as this is an Oracle instant client based driver where a connect string is dynamically constructed without the need to be defined in the old tns names file.

You need to read the documentation on installing and configuring the OpenLink Oracle ODBC Driver for macOS.

The connector is reading the data from the database. In windows a query is made with ; A query is made with this connector without ; How to configure to be equal to Windows?

I am not sure what you are asking, are you saying with some Windows client application/driver you have a ; termination character for the query, whereas on macOS with Excel and our Oracle 12C ODBC Driver they query does not work with the ; character ?

Exact. When I use its connector with the character; The answer is error ORA0933. If I use your connector without the character; works. but I have several reports that I need to update with its connector. In windows they work. With its connector it does not execute the query.

What is “its connector” ?

What is the Excel version and whose ODBC Driver are you using on Windows ?

A “;” on the end of a SQL query is not valid SQL and not required by ODBC, they tend to be using by some database Client application tools like sqlplus for Oracle to indicate the end of a SQL query to be executed and are stripped off before being passed to the database engine.