Error while loading a large graph into virtuoso

From my last comment in your previous post SPARQL query throwing compilation error - #8 by hwilliams , have you now Performance Tuned the Virtuoso instance for hosting large amounts of data ?

What is the triple format of this ~100 GB file, and are you actually loading it as a single file ? As generally it is recommended dataset files be split into sizes of about 1GB and loaded with multiple rdf_loader_run() processes depending on the number of cores on the machine for optimal loading for the dataset.

What does the output of running the status(); command run from the isql command line tool return when the dataset is loading ?

Please provide a copy of the virtuoso.ini and virtuoso.log files for review.

The Upgrading from VOS 7.2.X to VOS 7.2.7 document provides instructions on upgrading an existing open source version to the latest stable/7.